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China Sightseeing Tips : The Great Wall, Pandas & More

So much has happened for #KrumbleAbroad in the past month! I thought I would do a really quick recap on my China Sightseeing Tips – The Great Wall, Pandas & so much more. I cannot wait to share with you all exactly what I have been getting up to (trust me it is a lot haha) I am actually going backwards in my month, and starting from my final week here in China.

Well now, let’s do a quick recap of where I went, stayed, saw and most of all, ate!


Shanghai was pretty manic, in between hotel tours, meetings and getting our bearings, we decided to jump on a double decker bus and let our legs get some rest.

Highlight of the double decker was believe it or not, seeing the impressive road and bridge systems. The way that they build roads on top of roads upon more roads, is pretty cool (nothing like you get in my home town in Aus!)

Hotels: Banyan Tree on the Bund & Fairmont Peace Hotel Shanghai. Both hotels were honestly two of my favourite hotels for the entire month long trip, both for extremely different reasons too! You will see why this is in the next week or so.

Food: I didn’t get much of a chance to venture out food wise in Shanghai which is unfortunate, however I did have 2 great meals at each hotel which I will share later in the hotel review posts

Must See: The Bund, The road system, Shanghai Tower, Jade Buddha


My main goal for my trip was to get up close and personal with a Panda. I was actually quite impressed with Chengdu, to be honest, I wasn’t really expecting anything like it was!

My panda encounter will be posted in a completely separate post, full with videos, so stay tuned for this!!

Hotels: I stayed at two hotels in Chengdu; The Fairmont & The Temple House. Both in two pretty different locations, so was great to get out and about and explore both of these areas.

Food: Don’t make the same mistake I did and boast about being able to handle hot food, because I can assure you, being in the Sichuan region, these folks like it hot.

Must see: Panda Base, Buddha at Leshan


Well, you can’t go to China (in my opinion) and not go and see the Great Wall. Beijing, I have been told, is a great spot to get in some Great Wall action, we had a fantastic tour guide named Debbie, an absolute sweet heart! I will be doing a whole big post on The Great Wall – where the best and the worst spots (crowds etc) are soon.

Hotels: Fairmont Beijing

Food: Similar to Shanghai, I didn’t get a chance to eat out much as we were SO busy with sightseeing!

Must See: The Great Wall, Ming Tombs, Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square

So that is it for now, if you want to know anything else or see any specific China related (or even anything Travel) related let me know in the comments below!


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  1. OMG!! I have always wanted to go see the pandas – did you get to sit down with them??

    1. I sure did! You have to make sure you go to the Panda Base that is a little further out. The experience is quite expensive but so worth it!

  2. How did you find the pollution?? I want to go but my fiancé is pregnant so we might wait if it is bad

    1. Hey Ryan,
      Good question! It really depends on where you both want to go. Shanghai and Chengdu are no where near as bad as Beijing. I wore a mask in Beijing, it is quite bad! I would suggest to speak to her doctor and get their advice on it!
      Good luck & let me know if you end up going!

  3. hey Krumble – big fan! How cool is ur new site.
    I have been to pretty much all of your places you went over the month! Didn’t do hardly any sightseeing compared to u. Wish I did. Where was ur fav place in china>?

    1. Hi Simone! Ah yes so much sightseeing! Very exhausting but worth it.
      That is a hard one – I would say the Panda encounter and then the Great Wall. Both a must in my opinion!!

  4. Can you write a post on what I should bring to China? Is it cold?

    1. Hey Tegan! Some parts are cold! Other parts it is hot. It was just going into Spring when I was there, so at nights it was particularly nippy in the wind! I am making a 10 things to know about China before visiting post so keep an eye out for that!

  5. Hey! I am planning on going to China in a couple of weeks but only have 3 nights to spare. Where out of all three would you say is the best?

    1. Ah! It depends what you are after!
      Shopping, sightseeing and food – Shanghai.
      Adventure, Pandas & Sightseeing – Chengdu.
      Sightseeing (Great Wall etc), Museums – Beijing


  6. OKAY UM WOW!! Panda!!!!!! Do you have videos??? I herd it is really quick though?

    1. oh it was so amazing!!
      It is only 20 seconds! But 100% worth it.

  7. I just love the way that you write, where are you planning on going next? You need to do more youtube videos! My friends and I love watching you speak, especially coz you don’t do such heavy makeup, my mum would kill me if I did some of the makeup looks that are on youtube

  8. It is great that you went to China! I lived there with my husband (Shanghai) 20 years ago.
    My daughters refuse to go, I just convinced them after showing them your photos! Not many people visit there and have such good photos! I would love to know where you are off to next? Hot or Cold?

    1. Oh that is so sweet!!
      I was honestly blown away with China, Shanghai in particularly!!
      I am not 100% sure where we are off to next! I have a feeling it will be somewhere warm!!
      K x

  9. How long did it take to climb the Great Wall?

    1. Hey Jacob,

      We went to the Mutianyu which has a chair lift/gondola.. It’s about two hours drive from Beijing. When getting there (the carpark) its about a 5minute bus ride then a 5 minute walk to the chair lift. The ride from the bottom to the top is about a minute so all in all about 20mins (with queues) to get the top where you can walk for hours and hours if you want to.

  10. Love your website and Instagram! Where are you off to next? Hot or Cold?
    I really like how honest you are with everything too – I can just imagine you typing this out and it makes me smile! you are always so happy and positive, such a role model to me! Carrie xx

    1. Hi Carrie,

      Thank you for your gorgeous words! Ahhh we have some super exciting trips that are in the future! Both hot & cold (which I love just as much as each other) xx

  11. How long did it take to climb the Great Wall?

    1. Hi Rob,
      Funnily enough, there is a cable car that takes you up to the top, then we walked it for about 2 hours!

  12. So I have a question – I have 3 days off in China, I don’t know where or what I should do. I like adventure, but I also like food, where should I go? Heard Beijing is shithouse for pollution, did u see the warriors?

    1. Hey Ben! That is a tough one! It really depends, Chengdu was actually really surprising for me, a lot more to do than just see the Panda’s. Shanghai was also absolutely amazing.

      Beijing, yes is polluted, but there is a lot to do there also! My pick would be Shanghai or Chengdu if I was in your position! Enjoy

  13. How long did you get to sit with the panda? worth it? I want to go for my birthday!

    1. Hey Suzie,

      Not long actually! 20 seconds! But it was 100% worth it! Keep an eye out for my detailed post about it! K x

  14. Hi Georgina,
    Thank you sweets! Yes, my skin doesn’t agree with super heavy makeup anyway! I will be trying to make some time for youtube shortly! I have filmed quite a bit traveling, just need to find the time to edit!! Keep an eye out for them! xx

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